Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Plan

Ok, s0 here is my plan.
It is not perfected, but this is a work in progress!
First and most important, I must become unabashadly ( is that spelled right?) and unapologetically a "tight wad"!
I think I can so this, but how does one balance being a "tight wad" with creating meaningful, fun, memorable childhoods for the kids? Someone help!
I am reading "The Millinaire Next Door", it gives some interesting and surprising facts about our nation's wealthy. Lets just say most of them aren't driving Hummers and gaudy sports cars. I could have guessed it though. It only makes sense that you cannot give your money away for a bunch of things and expect to have a lot of money too, that is unless you are Bill Gates or Brad Pitt, and if you are would you mind donating your last 60 seconds worth of interest to my getting out of debt fund?? :)

Second, is to become DISCIPLINED
It really is the worst word. It's not my strong point, in fact I am the opposite of it, at least when it comes to money. I need heaps and loads of it to come close to adequate. Any one know of any discipline work-outs to strengthen this "muscle"?

Third, start putting 10% of take home pay towards one debt at a time till its paid off,. That is a lot of money to pull out of the air, but you can't build wealth till you are out debt, no?

Drowing in Debt-itis

I am starting this blog to help myself, and anyone else out there in my position, to get out of debt. I have been trying for years to get out of debt, but somehow have ended even more IN debt? I keep asking myself, how did this happen?
It was easy to understand when I was poor, and I was poor for many years growing up. We lived on welfare, shopped at thrift stores, grew our own food and ate our share of "gov" cheese sandwhiches!
But what is my excuse now? My husband and I both have good jobs making over six figures a year, and I am deeper in debt now than ever.
True, we did buy a house and a car, financed of course, and then the house needed some work done so how did we pay for that? You guessed it, credit cards.
When I buy something with credit, which I don't anymore thanks to maxing out every credit card we had, I truly believe I will pay it back right away "when things get better". This is the magical thinking of credit, at least for me it is!
So, I am going to start a journey to TRULY get out of debt, live on a cash only basis and own everything I have out right. It is a tall order, but I am hoping that with some support, and discipline and maybe some tips from others I can finally do it.
I do have a plan, a popular program out there that gives a road map to follow on this journey.
I am not adverstising it but if it starts to work maybe I will share....but I have to stick with it!